Protect Your Plant

New Blog Posts:

Protect Your Plant is a 2d top down walking simulator RPG thing where you control a little robot trying to keep its plant alive in a post-apocalyptic city by ensuring it gets enough sun, water, and nutrients while avoiding threats. It's built in Godot.

This project started as a proof of concept demonstration of what I wanted someone to make someday, and has grown into very much it's own thing, which I'm very excited to someday get to share with people. Progress is slower than I'd like, but continues in fits and starts. In a sane setup, I would only be writing/making art assets/possibly doing game design. In this reality, I'm doing everything. At this point, pretty much all of the features the game will need are accounted for, even if they're a bit cruder than I'd like. I'm mostly preparing to start really figuring out what works for this new(?) gameplay so I can use that to design levels. If they'd go ahead and release Godot 4.0 that would also help a lot.

New to Old:

And Now, the Weather

Loading Screens!

Exporting Protect Your Plant

State Machines

Old Blog Posts:

I'm stubborn and when google declared that they were transitioning to new sites, and I saw what a mess the change did to years of jury-rigged formatting, I kept making posts about the game to 'classic sites' despite the impending shutdown. Fortunately, I lost no content thanks to the internet archive, and was able to bring the new content over.

The updated versions of the old posts are here:

New to Old:

The Atrium

Artisan Intelligences

The Toy Store

Plant Demo

Hardware Store and Park

The Vertical Garden

Dialogue Tree Improvements

New Plants

The Old Downtown

C.G. Smith

Protect Your Plant

And the wayback machine links to the originals are here:

New to Old:

The Atrium

Artisan Intelligences

The Toy Store

Plant Demo

Hardware Store and Park

The Vertical Garden

Dialogue Tree Improvements

New Plants

The Old Downtown

C.G. Smith

Protect Your Plant